Omega J8006 Juicer – Changes My Perspective on Juicing


Before I own the Omega J8006 Juicer, I used to have another that made me dislike juicing for the following reasons:

  • I had to use considerable number of whole fruits, like apples or pears, just to make myself a glass of ‘freshly-squeezed’ juice.
  • There was quite a bit of foaming and clogging, especially if I use it consistently (certainly not suitable if you have friends or family over)
  • Cleaning after was a messy affair that I dreaded

In fact, I didn’t just go out to buy this juicer. It took me several months of research and contemplation before I decided on the purchase.

Honestly, there are many other juicers that cost less than this particular one. However, I’m always one for quality, even if the price is a little steep. Realistically, this is a machine that I foresee to use in a long time to come.

The Juicer’s Appeal

When I started using the juicer, I almost immediately noticed the difference in its functionality compared to my old one. I used it for long periods, especially when I have guests but amazingly, it didn’t overheat nor got clogged. I learnt later this is attributed to a commercial grade motor in the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer which enables it to eradicate this potential problem in juicing. The reason why it doesn’t create foam is because the motor has a low rotation speed that keeps it running smoothly. Despite this powerful capability, the motor runs quietly, to my pleasure of course.

Another interesting thing that I notice about this juicer is its auto pulp-ejection feature. I do get carried away sometimes and just kept on juicing to fill up pitchers to serve my guests. I do believe in getting the goodness of the juices that I made, including needed fibers from fruits and vegetables. This machine is made to “chew up” vegetable and fruit fibers, fully extracting all the vitamins and nutrients I expect to get from whatever I put in the machine.

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